So I've been nominated for the Liebster Award and am buzzin to be participating in this. Thanks for the nomination Kelsey from Peach Blossom
The rules :
- Thank the lovely blogger who has nominated you.
- Answer the 11 questions they’ve asked you.
- Nominate 11 blogger's (they have to have under 200 followers).
- Ask them 11 questions which they can answer in a post.
11 facts about Hayls :
- Proud Ginger
- I am very tall hitting 5,10 these days. Known as the BFG (Big Friendly Ginger)
- I love tea
- Boy bands are my life
- Guilty pleasure is listening to One direction and dancing around my living room
- I am a Virgo
- If you piss me off..I will bitch about you
- Want to work in PR
- Have a massive love for London
- Absolutely adore musicals, especially west end musicals
- I've seen the film Pearl Harbor about 40 times
Questions from Kelsey :
1. If you could be reborn as one other person who would you choose?
Definitely the Queen, She's a G!
2. What is your favourite type of thing to blog about?
I love fashion and beauty which is what my blog would focus on if I didn't have so many other interests and so many other things I wanted to blog about. I really love trying out new makeup/beauty products and doing reviews. I love doing monthly/weekly updates on life, you can make those quite fun.
3. What are you afraid of?
4. What is your favourite blogger and Youtuber?
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
As I said before it is for sure One Direction. I love those lads so much, and if you follow my Instagram page you will definitely be aware of my addiction to ID. Yes I am 20 years old but I love it.
6. Your dream engagement scenario?
7. When deciding what to wear, what do you choose first? (Shoes, top, pants etc.)
I start with the top. Normally put some trousers on and dislike that with the top then change that then change my trousers, then decide to wear a dress and then normally judge the weather wrong and wear the wrong shoes. This situation can end up quite messy for me.
8. You have won £500 to a shop of your choice, what shop is it?
Easiest question ever. It would 100% be Topshop. I love Topshop so much.
9. What is your favourite thing about lazy days?
My favourite thing about lazy days is staying in your pj's all day wrapped in a duvet and the ridiculously unattractive snapchats you can do, but it doesn't matter how ugly you look because you are loving life being lazy and are just too cosy to care.
10. Are you a saver or a spender?
I am spender, I love money, I love shopping and I suck at saving.
11. Dream job?
I dream to work in PR so my dream job would be an Account Manager at a top PR agency or a Press Manager.
My Questions :
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- Favourite band, singer or type of music?
- Describe yourself in 3 words?
- Tea or Coffee?
- If you had one wish what would it be? (And not I would wish for 3 more wishes haha)
- Describe your perfect partner?
- Favourite animal?
- What do you most like to blog about?
- What is your favourite social media site and why?
- If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
- A saying/quote that describes you or your life?
My Nominations :
- sassysibel
- AntoniaHetherington
- cure4fashion
- ChrisKata
- yourbubblybutterfly
- emmaxoxobeautyblog
- anotherserendipity
- OrdinaryGoingsOn
- LauraLifeIsShort
- fivefootfourfashion
- the-twins-wardrobe
Hope you enjoy the questions guys. Also every check out every blog mentioned here, they are all splendid.
Much Love